You might currently owe more than one lender money. It is not uncommon, nowadays, for California residents to have multiple loans out at once. Perhaps you have a mortgage, a car loan and credit card debt. If you run into financial trouble, it can be quite challenging...
Month: March 2019
Understanding Chapter 7 bankruptcy options
Escalating personal debt, unrepayable credit card bills and constant creditor calls may lead some Californians to think about their options for debt relief. For some people, personal bankruptcy can be an important way to work toward a new financial future. There are...
The requirements to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy
An individual in California can make as much money as he or she wants and still possibly be eligible to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. However, there are limits to how much debt a person can have at the time he or she files. An individual cannot have unsecured debts...
Not everyone qualifies for Chapter 7
California residents who are struggling to keep up with their debts may benefit from filing for bankruptcy. However, it should be seen as a last resort for those who don't have any other options available. In the case of a short-term financial shortfall, it may be...
Young people face growing debt burden
Many young people in California and nationwide are dealing with a growing debt burden. According to statistics released by the New York Fed Consumer Credit Panel and Equifax, people between the ages of 18 and 29 owe $1.05 trillion in debt. This burden is comprised of...