Your credit card balance is out of hand. You have medical bills rolling in from the surgery your spouse had last year. Your boss informed you that the company is doing away with bonuses, which, in your case, amounts to a significant portion of income. One of your kids...
Month: May 2019
Bankruptcy can help with medical debts related to cancer
California residents and others who are diagnosed with cancer may incur significant debt in an effort to overcome their illnesses. However, it may be possible to reduce or eliminate that debt by declaring bankruptcy. Furthermore, individuals may get relief from...
How to determine if a debt can be discharged
Consumers in California and throughout the country may be entitled to have some of their unsecured debts wiped out in bankruptcy. As a general rule, bankruptcy is available to honest debtors who are looking for a fresh start. However, there are many factors that a...
Debt consolidation or Chapter 13 bankruptcy
Many California consumers are struggling with ever-escalating amounts of debt. At the same time, many of them are reluctant to consider personal bankruptcy as an option. People can be afraid that bankruptcy may lead to tremendous financial damage that is difficult to...
Credit card statistics show growth in unrepayable debt
Many people in California are struggling under a significant debt burden that they may find themselves unable to repay. This is reflected in statistics in the credit-card industry that show that the rate of bad debt is climbing for people across the country. The rate...
Rebuilding positive credit after bankruptcy
Many people in California find bankruptcy a potentially appealing option, but they are worried about the long-term effects on their credit scores. After all, Chapter 7 bankruptcies remain on a person's credit report for 10 years while Chapter 13 bankruptcies, with...